A 60 year old female resident of thakkellapally who is a housewife came with the complaints of fever since 10 days nausea and vomiting since 10 days and productive cough since 10 days History of present illness Patient was apparently asymptomatic 10 days back then she developed fever which is insidious in onset ,continuous with no diurnal variations and not associated with chills and rigors ,relived on medication ,no history of headache history of vomiting and nausea since 10 days almost 2 times a day which is non projectile, non bilious with loss of appetite Complains of Bilateral knee pain for which she is taking NSAIDS since 5 years,no history of other body pains Cough with expectoration with mucoid sputum and associated with pain in back while coughingk No History of burning micturition ,loose stools, pain abdomen ,pedal edema,chest pain, Shortness of breath, palpitations Past history Not a known case of diabetes ,hypertension ,asthma ,epilepsy,coronary...
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General medicine assignment
V.Ujwala Roll no 137 General medicine bimonthly assignment I have been given the following assignment to analyze , and review, in an attempt to understand the topic of 'Patient clinical data analysis' to develop my competency in reading and to comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and diagnosis, This is the link of questions asked in the bimonthly assignment: https://generalmedicinedepartment.blogspot.com/2021/06/bimonthly-formative-and-summative_19.html?m=1 Here is my review of case histories which I had gone through Question 1 Neurology Review https://143vibhahegde.blogspot.com/2021/05/wernickes-encephalopathy.html Case I have given the case of a person with wernickskorsekoff syndrome who is chronic alcoholic.He had two episodes of seizures .After his last alcohol started talking and laughing to himself. unable to getup by himself from bed he is conscious but not coherent. KINDLING ALCOH...
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