
Showing posts from October, 2021

General medicine october 2021 bimonthly assignment

I have been given the following assignment in an attempt to read,comprehend analyze,reflect upon and discuss captured patient centered data. This is the link of the questions asked for the assignment Question 1 peer review competency 1.  History taken was complete and clear, Data collected was well and the diagnosis and treatment given were appropriate. 2. This elog was very well explained and history taken was in very appreciative  3. 1 All the CNS examination are done well and explanation was good ,diagnosis is fine 4. This elog i
   A 50yr old female resident of suryapet came to the op with chief complaints of  back pain Fever  Bilateral pedal edema  Puffiness of face History of present illness Patient was asymptomatic 6months back then she developed the back pain ,fever and pedal edema Past history k/c/o HTN since 7yrs Medication not known No History of DM,TB, epilepsy Personal history Appetite - decreased Diet- mixed Sleep-inadequate No addictions Bladder movements are normal  But she has c/o constipation Family history No significant family history General examination No icterus, pallor,cyanosis,clubbing,lymphadenopathy Bilateral pedal edema and facial puffiness are present Vitals BP 180/110mmhg Pulse-88 beats/min Temp-97°F RR -18 CPM Systemic examination RS :B/L inspiration crestfallen over lung fields CVS:S1 and S2 are heard, no murmurs CNS:No focal deformities Investigations Haemogram Hb: 7.5gm/dl TLC:7800/cumm PCV:23.3 RCB:2.6million /cumm PLT:1.54lakh/cumm RFT urea:46mg/dl Creatinine:3.6mg/dl Uric acid: